Interactive Training

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Thrive with Integrity provides flexible and cost-effective training, seminars and workshops to help you prepare for the future with confidence.  

Thrive with Integrity’s programs recognize that integrity is the foundation for success and is focused on helping create trusted and healthy workplace cultures.

Jessica is able to work directly with your organization to inspire a shift in how your workforce thinks about integrity and trust. Using various assessments, she can help clarify and benchmark the current workplace culture, identify a path forward, and equip leaders and teams with the tools necessary to build a strong and successful organization.

Creating a Culture where Integrity is Not Negotiable™

Leaders today are facing challenges of new proportions, making a trusted work environment more crucial now than ever. Without a integrity, everyone loses. TWI has a variety of tools and programs available to assess the current culture and help build an ethical and trusted workplace culture where integrity is the norm.

Ethics and Integrity in Today’s Workplace

Everyone should already know the basic ethics “rules” that control the workplace. You probably have annual training requirements that review these rules in detail. But, have you ever engaged your workforce in a discussion about the reasons behind the rules? TWI has developed a series of programs to facilitate small group discussions that explore real-life scenarios and the ethical considerations associated with certain behaviors. The roundtables are developed and customized for each level of your organization—from new hires to the most senior leaders—to hone the skills needed to build and maintain integrity in today’s workplace.

Trust as a Workplace Culture

This program is interactive and encourages discussion and exchange of opinions and perspectives on what trust is and how to develop and apply trust-building characteristics. Individual, team and organizational assessments are available to identify current strengths and areas for improvement. Participants will walk away with tools and ideas that can be used in their trust-building efforts.

A Culture of Integrity – A Roundtable Discussion for Leaders

How do you build a workplace where doing the right thing is not only expected, but it is the norm? Studies have shown that even the smallest lapse in workplace ethics diminishes the quality of the workplace for all employees. Leaders that exhibit ethical behavior are a powerful influence on the workplace. In this roundtable, we will discuss various examples where leaders failed to “walk the [integrity] talk” and the impact that their behavior had on the organization, relationships and, ultimately, their career. We will provide participants with tools and ideas to use as they move forward in their quest to lead with integrity.

A Culture of Integrity – A Roundtable Discussion for the Workforce

This roundtable discussion is designed to show the importance of continued and open discussions about values and integrity at all levels of the organization. We begin by exploring why certain behaviors are prohibited. We create a safe place to openly explore different perspectives on accepted societal rights and wrongs. The discussion expands to include examples by the participants and how current events might shape internal beliefs and behaviors. Ultimately, the goal of the roundtable is to create an ongoing recognition that integrity is not a “buzzword,” but rather something that requires constant nurturing at all levels in the workplace.

Conflict Management and Communication Skills

Effectively Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict is a fact of life. Effectively dealing with conflict is essential to creating a healthy workplace culture that is trusted and acts with integrity. Your organization’s success depends on how you deal with workplace disputes. TWI has developed several high-impact, customized and interactive training programs that focus on conflicts often present in the workplace. Once completed, your leaders will be better positioned to effectively deal with the vast array of conflicts that occur in their workgroups.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Being able to effectively communicate is an essential skill in today’s workplace and a requirement to building a foundation of integrity. TWI has several training programs that will help your leaders identify and understand communication styles and tendencies. As a result of the interactive nature of these sessions, your leaders will not only learn how to communicate more clearly and effectively, but they will also learn how to adapt their style to a given situation.

Other Training Solutions Available

We develop training courses and workshops to meet your unique requirements. Other recent TWI programs that enhance integrity and build trust include Managing a Virtual Workforce and Generational Differences in the Workplace. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you in reaching your organizational training and developmental goals.

Each of our programs are available as live in-person, or virtual classroom formats. Virtual classrooms have been developed to preserve the interactive, participatory experience that is the foundation of our company.


Honest, Experienced and Personalized Management Solutions for Today’s Work Environment

Thrive with Integrity is a small, women-owned boutique firm founded with one purpose – to help you succeed.

Our mission is to provide your leadership the tools they need to effectively and ethically manage and build trust at all levels of the organization.

We are committed to providing consulting services and training solutions that are comprehensive, practical and useful to our clients.

Services are tailored to address the issues unique to your organization; helping you achieve and exceed your goals and mission requirements.

Contact Us for More Information or a Free Consultation